Make your own Ginger-Lemon Tea (with ice cubes)
Our son and his girlfriend were here over the holidays and they made us delicious and super healthy ginger-lemon ice cubes that we can use to make our own ginger-lemon tea.
All we have to do is put an ice cube (or two for really strong tea) into a cup and add boiling water!
Besides being really easy and way less expensive that buying a good quality ginger-lemon tea, this recipe gives you a much less processed version of a tea with two ingredients that offer a huge number of health benefits and tastes really good.
Ginger is packed with antioxidants, aids in digestion and also fights nausea. It’s an anti-inflammatory food that’s been associated with lowering cholesterol, regulating blood sugar and even managing pain.
Lemons are high in Vitamin C, which support immune health. It also helps with digestion and is an anti-inflammatory food. Lemons also keep our skin healthy because the Vitamin C helps to produce collagen.
This recipe makes approximately 60 cups of tea. We drink a lot of tea and are huge advocates of making something once and having lots of leftover.
On the flip-side, you may want to make a much smaller batch to start so you can find the right ratio of ginger to lemon for your personal taste. You can easily make the recipe below with 1/3 cup ginger, 1 lemon and 1/4 cup water.
1 cup fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely cut
3 organic lemons, leave peels on but cut off ends, cut into “bite size pieces” and remove seeds
3/4 cup water
Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend until you have a mushy consistency.
Pour into ice cube trays and tap trays to get air bubbles out.
Allow cubes to freeze and then you can remove them from trays and store them in a zip lock freezer bag for future use.
Add a cube to your tea cup, fill with boiling water, add some honey if desired and enjoy.
You can also put your “ice cube” into a tea strainer in your cup before adding the boiling water if you prefer. This will give you a smoother tea without the small amount of residual lemon and ginger fiber that will end up at the bottom of your cup.
The pictures below can give you a better sense of the how big/small we cut up ingredients. They all went into a blender but it’s easier to get the lemon seeds out if the pieces are relatively small.
Peeled, cut ginger
Cut lemon to remove seeds
Blended ginger, lemon, water mixture into ice cube trays
Our son Josh and his girlfriend Ariel, who made us this awesome treat!