Best Everyday Retreats

When you think about going on retreat, it may conjure images of relaxation, massage, spa treatments, self-care AND a decent amount of money invested in the experience. While a spa day away is wonderful, it’s not always practical.

Here are some of the best ways you can have a mini retreat experience without breaking the bank or committing to several days away.

  1. Splurge on a massage in your home. Getting a massage is a wonderful treat and being able to relax in the comfort of your own home afterwards (preferably at the end of your day) is an amazing way to pamper yourself.

  2. Take a nap in the middle of the day. We’re so often “on the go” that we work through our tiredness and wear down our bodily systems. Sleep is healing and a midday nap can do wonders to refresh you.

  3. Do a mini fast to reset your digestive system. My personal favorite is to drink only liquids (e.g. green smoothie,, bone broth, decaf tea and water for the day). It’s also a great way to lose a little weight!

  4. Go for a hike (alone or with a friend) and explore somewhere new. There are many beautiful places that are fully in the woods and others that have walking paths throughout them. Being in nature soothes our mind, body and spirit.

  5. Spend the day reading a great book or doing a puzzle. Being able to immerse yourself in an activity that “produces nothing” but allows you to be in a “flow state” (i.e., completely present) is incredibly rejuvenating.

  6. Abstain from speaking. This can be for an hour or two or for the whole day. Silence brings us inwards and helps to turn off all the noise and distractions of our lives.

  7. Get out into your garden. Digging in the dirt is soothing and healing, but only if you enjoy it!

  8. Do something you love for several hours. This is something that’s not on you “To Do” list. It’s simply something that brings your great pleasure and creates more joy in your life.

Slowing down, taking care of our minds and bodies are what retreats are all about. While we can’t get to a formal retreat every week, we can schedule retreat and spa moments into our day(s) each week.

Action Step:

Think of one thing that feels like it would be a treat for you and schedule that into your calendar this weekend or in the coming week. Then, and this is important, commit to yourself and follow through with whatever retreat / spa activity you have selected!!

Next week, repeat above steps and start enjoying the relaxation and peace you are bringing to your mind, body and soul with the small treats you are giving yourself.

Before you know it, you will have a new habit. We’re working on improving the quality of our lives 1% at a time (James Clear, Atomic Habits).


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