Nuttzo: Mixed Nut & Seed Butter

Despite the fact that this company has been around for approximately 10 years, I just became aware of this product last week while shopping at Costco. I did a search once I got home to confirm that you can also buy this at other stores and online.

We don’t eat a lot of nut butter but it’s nice to have around for an apple-nut butter snack or the occasional nut butter toast, that yes, some jam also makes its way onto.

Whether you eat peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower seed butter or any other kind, it’s often hard to find a brand that is mostly just nuts (or seeds) without a lot of sugar and fillers, though supermarkets are more frequently offering on-site ground nut butter as an option.

What I liked about this product:

  • The variety of nuts (cashew, almonds, Brazil nuts and hazelnuts) and seeds (flax, chia and pumpkin).

  • There’s no sugar, preservatives, fillers or anything else in it.

  • It’s organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, kosher and vegan.

  • A mom who adopted 2 boys from the Ukraine created it while trying to get her picky eater kids to be more healthy.

  • It supports Project Left Behind, which was also created by this mom to help other orphaned and underprivileged kids.

Being used to regular peanut or almond butter, the first bite of Nuttzo tasted a little bit odd to me but once I put some on my toast, it was great. I now enjoy it plain as well.

Nuttzo is actually the company brand name and this is only one of their products. They also make healthy bars, other nut butters and Muttzo dog treats.

If you’d like to learn more about Project Left Behind or Nuttzo, click on the links.

Action Steps:

  • Know what you’re eating in whatever brand of nut / seed butter you eat. It’s easy to read labels.

  • If you’re eating a brand with a lot of extra “junk” in it, consider purchasing something more natural or freshly ground next time. You can often get smaller portion sizes if you’re buying something without preservatives.


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