Try Something New

It’s easy to get a little bit stuck in the same old routines, and in some ways, routines are good for us. Sometimes it’s also really useful to challenge ourselves with something new.

When we do new things, we make small shifts in the way our brains work. We create new neuronal networks and activate different parts of our brains.

Scientists believe this is one of the ways we can decrease our risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease as we age.

We also make ourselves a little bit uncomfortable when we do new things, which ultimately helps us to grow and expands our capacity for change.

This past month, I’ve been participating in a Learn To Row course on the Connecticut River (at Holyoke Rows) with 3 of my friends. It’s been really fun and also somewhat challenging both physically and mentally.

I like to think of myself as a relatively coordinated person, yet the learning curve to row properly, especially in a sculling boat with 2 oars, has been incredibly humbling. Fortunately, I like the challenge that it provides.

It doesn’t matter what new thing you decide to try, only that you consider something new every once in awhile. A new activity will help you to move your body in different ways while also engaging your brain.

I have some clients who enjoy NIA (Non Impact Aerobics) classes at HCC, others have tried various yoga classes, including aerial yoga. Carey has recently joined a new singing group and has experimented with painting classes.

Maybe your new thing isn’t active at all, but gets you together with people you don’t know to talk about different ideas.

As a trainer, I want to encourage you to do something more physical, but ultimately I simply want you to be more engaged in your life and happy.

That means finding whatever is meaningful to you!

Action Steps:

Is there any new thing that you’ve been thinking about trying, but haven’t quite gotten around to it?

  • If so, make a decision to move forward with your plans and take steps to make it a reality.

  • If not, can you imagine any new thing that would feel engaging to you? Once you have an idea you’re excited about, go for it.


Your Alignment Impacts Everything


What Do You Appreciate?