Standing Hip Openers

Hip openers will help you to improve balance, strength and flexibility.

Your core muscles and glutes are essential in assisting with balance and stability as you lift the opposite knee to the height of your hip.

You engage numerous stabilizing muscles from your ankle through your upper leg on the balancing leg.

Your moving legs activates your quads, hamstrings, psoas, piriformis, adductors and abductors to help lift the moving leg and bring the hip into the open position.

As you practice the movement and get better at it, your balance improves and you can bring your moving leg further away from the stabilizing leg.

The most challenging part of the movement is lifting your moving leg back up off the ground and bringing it hip high again while your hip remains open. This is where you really increase your strength, flexibility and your balance.

As with all exercises, there should be no pain in any of your joints. If you experience pain, stop immediately and consult with your doctor if the pain persists.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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